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Creating User Signatures


version 5.0+

Associate a digital signature to each user in your office. Follow this guide to add a saved signature to each user ID code and cut down on time spent re-drawing signatures on notes.

In order to use the features described in the article below, you must first enable digital signatures in Power Practice 5.0+. Please see the Additional Resources section at the bottom for a link to the pre-requisite setup article.


Creating signatures: 

  1. Select the Practice menu at the top of the program.
  2. Select the Maintenance Manager.
  1. Open the User Codes window by double left clicking the icon.
  2. Within the list of users, find and highlight the user login you wish to add a signature for.
  3. Select the Signatures button found in the center of your window.
  1. In the new window that appears, use your mouse to hold down left click and draw your signature within the white space.
  2. Use the Clear button to reset, or the Ok button to confirm and save your signature.
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