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Scheduling Planned Appointments with Linked Treatments

By 03/01/2021Scheduler


This article follows “Linking Planned Treatments to Appointments” These next steps will guide you through how to schedule the appointment.


  1. On the left hand side under Tasks Bar, click on your Scheduler shortcut
  1. Go to the Patient Profile tab at the top
  2. In the Appointment History Box, select the appointment you want to book and right click
  3. Select Schedule Appointment
  1. Once you’ve found the correct date and time in the scheduler, double left click on that slot. Make sure you are under the correct Producer, or you will get a pop up notification
  1. You can see the Linked Treatment(s) listed at the bottom. Make any additional changes needed in this window. Once finished, click OK to schedule the appointment
  1. You’ve now successfully booked the appointment. The P status for Planned has now changed to B for Booked. Repeat the process for the remaining planned appointments
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