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Cancel or Unschedule Past Appointments

By 09/21/20205.0, Scheduler


version 5.0 +

This article will guide you through cancelling or unscheduling past appointment and can be filter to a date range, a specific producer and/or specific chair.

You will need to contact our support and request the daily override code prior to performing the steps below.


  1. Select the Appointment Book icon from the top menu bar.
  2. Then select the Scheduler Reports/Utilities icon near the top right corner of the scheduler window.
  3. In the pop up window, select the Utilities tab.
  4. Finally select the Unschedule button.
  1. Enter the Security Code you were provided by our support team. Please contact our support team if you haven’t been provided the code.
  2. Then select the OK button.
  1. Configure the date range, producer, chair and reason filters.
  2. Then select the OK button to finish.

Additional Resources