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Collection Agency Write Off – CAWO

By 02/27/2019Transactions


A Collection Agency Write Off is used when an account is not collectible, and you want to send it to collections. This adjustment WILL decrease the balance on the account and WILL affect your accounts receivable total but WILL NOT affect the deposit.


  1. Open the patient in Transactions.
  2. Click on the Adjustments Tab
  3. Click New to begin a new adjustment.
  1. You must decide whether this is a patient or insurance type adjustment. Click the appropriate choice.
  2. The date will appear automatically. Tab and use the pull down in the Balance area, highlight Decrease. Tab and use the pull down in the Code area, highlight CAWO Collection Agnc Write Off.
  3. Tab and type in the amount that you want to Decrease the balance by.
  4. Click Save.
  1. Highlight the treatment line that this adjustment will affect and click on
  2. Click OK once the entire amount has been allocated.

The amount will now be removed from the owed amount on the account.

Additional Resources

Adjustment Training Video – A more in-depth demonstrations of transaction adjustments.

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