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Patients Not Booked Report


version 5.2+

You asked and we listened! Introducing the Patients Not Booked Report. This report will focus on patients who do not have an appointment booked within the parameters of your search. In an effort to maximize the retention of your patients, use this report for those who have “slipped through the cracks”.


To access the Patient Not Booked report:

  1. Open the Appointment Book module
  2. Select the Scheduler Reports/Utilities icon
  3. Ensure you are on the Reports tab
  4. Select the Patient Not Booked report

Setting your criteria for the report:

Doctor: Select the producer for the report all select the asterisk (*) for all producers

Status: Select the status of the patients

Patient Open Date: Enter the date range the patient record was created or leave blank for all

Appointment Date Range: Search to see if a patient does not have an appointment in the date range given
– Use the From Date to search for patients that have not had a Booked Appointment since that date.
– Leaving it blank will only show those that do not have a past booked appointment.
– If your office deletes or purges appointments do not use this date range

Last Visit Date: Add in a Last Visit Date to see patients last seen before or after a specific range.
– If left blank, will show all Active Patients regardless of when last seen, including those never seen
– Put in a date range of last 5 years to see patients seen in the last 5 years that are not booked

Highlight Patients with unbooked Recalls?: Checking this box will highlight all unbooked recalls in red font

Exclude Patients with unbooked Future Recalls?: If you are not concerned with recalls that are not yet booked for future dates, uncheck this box


Search: Will execute a search of the parameters of the report

Clear: This will clear all your selections

Remove: This will remove the patient from the list after you are done working with them but not delete their entry

Set Patient: This is activate the patient file in Power Practice

Close: This will close the Patient Not Booked report

The table of results is comprised of columns that show the Patient Name, Chart Number, Status of the Patient, Doctor, their Last Visit, Best Contact, and Patient Notes (P-Note).

The results shown here are patient who currently do not have a an appointment booked.

Right-Click on a patient to bring up the menu:

Go To Patient Profile: This is take you to the Patient Profile tab in the Appointment book with the patient file activated

Appointment Book: This is show you the scheduler tab in the Appointment Book

New Planned Appointment: This is open the planned appointment detail box so you can plan an appointment for the patient

Print List: Enables you to print the results of your search

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