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Search Feature for Prescriptions, Medications, and Chart Alerts


version 5.2+

A search bar has been added to Prescriptions, Medications, and Chart Alerts to make finding codes easier. When searching by description, the feature will only populate based on the description after three characters regardless of the “Auto Search on” number selected.



In the prescription window, select the ellipsis key. The search bar is placed just above the list of templates.

Click the Automatic Search tick box to enable the feature. The list will auto populate based on what you type, whether it be by code or description.


Selecting the ellipsis key next to the code drop down will allow you to access the Edit Medication Codes window. From here, the search feature is placed just above the list.

The Auto Search function works exactly the same as Prescriptions, where by the list will auto populate with the information typed into the search bar, whether it be the Code, Class, or Description.

Chart Alerts:

The search feature for Chart Alerts is placed just above the list similar to the previous two areas.

Select Auto Search to auto populate the list. You may search the list by the Code or Description.

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