This article will guide you on how to enter an insurance refund adjustment for a reversed claim.
When a claim is reversed (CV status), and the insurance company is asking for a refund of the payment, you will need to post a refund adjustment.
Select the Adjustments tab from the Patient File module.
Select New
Since you are refunding the insurance company, Select Insurance as your Adjustment Type.
From the Balance drop-down, select Increase.
From the Code drop-down, select Refund Payment.
Enter the Amount being taken back.
Affect Today’s Deposit?
If your refund method is by cheque, be sure to leave the box unchecked. If the payment was taken as part of a bulk payment, then ensure that you check the box.
Select Save
In the Adjustment Allocations window
Search for the claim you wish to refund and select any treatment.
Enter the Apply Amount
Select Apply
The Balance of that treatment will show in increase of the amount applied.
Select OK
Looking back at the ledger under the General tab will have the refund adjustment posted for the amount applied.