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Adding a Producer


This article will guide you through the steps of adding a new producer to Power Practice.  To add the chair, please check out the linked article: Chair Setup

  1. Select Practice from the top menu bar
  2. Click on Maintenance Manager from the dropdown
  1. Go to the Setup Tab
  2. Open up Producer Codes
  1. In the Edit Producer window, start with the Create Record icon
  1. From the Prod. Type dropdown, select the correct type. For this example, we will use Doctor
  2. Next, look below at the Producer List and choose the ID number that comes next in the sequence
  3. Enter Last Name
  4. Followed by First Name
  5. For Fee Schedule, check with your office if they use specific fees. Otherwise, you can use the default R for Regular
  1. The last two requirements in this window are CDA License #
  2. And EDI #. You can get these by speaking with your dentist
  3. Add in the Address and other personal information here. You can skip this step if you are keeping it elsewhere in the office
  4. Once finished, click on the Save Record Icon to save your work This will add it to the current list
  5. Click OK to close the window. This completes the producer setup. Follow the linked article to add a chair for this producer
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