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Adding New Appointment Types


This article will guide you through the steps of creating an Appointment Type. To create the Appointment Code, please check out the linked article: Adding New Appointment Codes

  1. Starting in the Scheduler, head over to the icons on the right and open up the Scheduler Setup
  1. Select Appt Type Setup
  1. To create anything new in Power Practice, always start by clicking on the Create Record icon, or the folder with the green plus sign
  1. When creating a Code, make sure to pick a letter that hasn’t already been entered. Since codes can only be one character, it’s good to scroll through the list and see what’s still available
  2. Next enter the Description, but keep it brief
  3. When picking the Color, make sure it is unique. You can choose from the basic colors provided or add a custom color
  4. Once everything is entered, Save the Record by clicking on the folder with the blue check mark. This will add it to the list
  5. Click on OK to close the window. You have now successfully created a New Appointment Type