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Setting up an Insurance Policy (video)

11:24 min


Through this video we’ll learn how to use the Insurance tab of the Patient File Module by adding two policies, the first of which is found in the system and the second is filled in manually. We’ll discuss the necessary fields and their function before getting into the details of specifying a plan’s coverage. We’ll then review the dependent relationships, coverage and finally, an estimate of the remaining plan balance.

Topics Covered:

  1. Policies: How to add a new policy for a patient.
  2. Search: How to find a policy already in your database and apply it to a patient.
  3. Create: How to build a plan that isn’t already in your database. We will fill in all the fields manually, addressing each one as we go through the process.
  4. Coverage: Learn how to read and adjust the specific coverage of your plan.
  5. Dependents: Adjusting our dependent relationships and coverage.
  6. Limits: Learn how to find the remaining deductible balance, an estimate of the remaining plan balance, and checking specific treatment limits.

Additional Resources

For a written and illustrated explanation of this information, please visit the following link

PX 101: Pages 11-15, Lesson 3 and all subsections.

Want to practice working with Insurance policies?

Be sure to use your Training Database when doing any practice. This will prevent making any unintentional changes to your existing policies and patients.

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