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Patients Without A Recall Report


Run this report to find patients without any recall information in Power Practice. Patients without a recall suggests they have not been in the clinic for a regular cleaning appointment. The list generated may include fake patients created by your office for practice or note purposes.


  1. Go to the Office menu.
  2. Select Reports Manager.
  1. Go to the Patient tab.
  2. Double click on the Patient Not On Recall List.
  1. By default, the report is set to run for all doctors, change to a specific doctor if needed.
  2. Choose the patient status – we recommend searching for active patients only.
  3. Leave the recall codes empty.
  1. Choose how to sort the list.
  2. Choose if you want to group the results by doctor.
  1. Click the preview icon to display the results on the screen or print icon to print.

In the preview screen:

  1. Use the arrows to navigate the pages.
  2. Click the print icon to print.
  3. Click the export icon to export the report to excel or as a PDF file.
  4. Total number of patients in the report is displayed on the top.