Note: All practice should be done in the Training database as to avoid altering your clinic data.
1. Post the following treatments:
- Bob Exan – Completed New Patient Exam (01201), 4 BWS (02144), 2U Scaling (11112)
- Bob Exan – Planned Gold Crown (27301) on site 27.
- Include the lab code when prompted.
2. Convert the following Planned treatment to Incomplete status:
- Bob Exan – Planned Crown on site 27.
- Edit the price to $775 during status change and use the save button to preserve changes.
- Visit the Ledger and note how the IC status treatment is now posted as billed production, allowing the patient to begin making contributions to their treatment.
3. Convert the following Incomplete treatment to Completed status:
- Bob Exan – Incomplete Crown on site 27.
- Bob Exan – Planned Lab straight to complete on site 27.
- Edit the price of the lab when possible to $250. Save your work before submitting the claim.
4. Post the following Office Charge
- Sally Smith-Exan – Sonicare Toothbrush for $125.