Note: All practice should be done in the Training database as to avoid altering your clinic data.
1.Book the following appointments:
- Bob Mayhew for a 9 unit crown prep #46 next Thursday at 11:30am and then a crown insert appointment 2 weeks later at 11:30am
- Judie White for a spec exam this Tuesday at 8:30am
- Judie White says her husband needs to book a Spec Exam – he did not make it when he was in the office last week, they would like to come together
- Bob and Sally for new patient exams with Dr Smiles next Thursday in the afternoon, bob will also have a new patient hygiene
- Bruce Renwick would like a recall appointment next Thursday afternoon
- Janice Mayhew would like a recall appointment when her husband’s crown is inserted
2. Edit the following appointments:
- Sally and Bob Exan want to move their appointments 30 mins later
- Judie White wants to change her appointment from Tuesday to Wednesday at 8:30 am
- Janice Mayhew left a message – she cannot come to her appointment, she will be out of town and will call when she comes home.
3. Complete the following:
- Bob and Sally Exan called to confirm their appointments and to change their address to:
123 main St, Vancouver, V6V 1W2
They no longer have a home number – please call the cells only
- Bruce Renwick is booked for his recall. He would also like to bring their 3 year old Marcus at the same time. He has never been to the dental office before – book a 30 minute New Patient appointment with Dr Smiles.