Note: All practice should be done in the Training database as to avoid altering your clinic data.
- Add the following family:
Mr. Robert (Bob) Exan
July 14, 1971
1963 Lougheed Hwy, Coquitlam, BC, V3K 3T8
Hm: 604-468-6820
Wk: 1-888-808-6223 ext. 2
Cell: 604-468-6850
Mrs. Sally Smith-Exan
June 5, 1973
1963 Lougheed Hwy, Coquitlam, BC, V3K 3T8
Hm: 604-468-6820
Cell: 604-555-1234
2. Add the following information:
- Bob works next door
- Sally has a latex allergy and requires pre-med before her appointment
- Bob saw the advertisement that Dr Smiles was accepting new patients – Sally was referred by bob. (HINT: create a new source referral)
- Bob would like all statements emailed to him
- Sally will be due for a hygiene appointment in 3 months
- Sally likes her prescriptions at Shoppers 604-468-5543