Continuing the theme of A/R management, it is critical to run frequent A/R reports and always stay ahead of payment processing and collection. The A/R Manager module is the perfect tool for this task. This interactive module gives the user the same capabilities as the Accounts Receivable Report but can be worked from without printing the whole report. Once an A/R list is generated based on the set criteria, adjustments, statements and A/R notes can be produced for a patient account without leaving this screen.
- Navigate to the menu bar and expand the Office menu list
- Choose A/R Manager
- Set your criteria. Typically, the report is run with “All Overdue Balance Accounts” and the current date as the aging date.
- Right-clicking any name in the list activates that patient’s account
- Use the shortcuts listed in the right-click menu to quickly navigate to any of the options
Note: You can create custom date ranges or change the defaults by visiting the Setup button on the right side
Note: All Balance Accounts will include both owing and credit accounts. Over 30-90 days is measured from the claim posting date compared to the aging date set.