Power Practice Version 5.0

New modules and enhancements

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New Modules and Patient Files

Medications Module – All medical information consolidated in one screen and made easier to manage chart alerts. A new medical sticky note for better record keeping. Track medication and prescription history along with how it was communicated to the pharmacy (Faxed, Phoned In)

Notes Manager – All patient notes in a consolidated screen.

Patient File – Move patient now moves all planned and proposed treatments.

+ more covered in the video

Odontogram and Reports

Digital Signature – You can now add a digital signature to your clinical notes along with setting the notes as locked to prevent them from being edited.

Site History – View the treatment history of a selected tooth or range.

Reports – Automatically save as PDF digital copy – This includes EDI responses!

+ more covered in the video


Tax receipt – You can now break it down by patient and list the transactions details.

Adjustment – We’ve increased how long a description can be. No longer will you need to use abbreviations to make the text fit.

EDI – Reset the EDI status of a claim so you can submit it fresh again.

Bulk Insurance wizard – Enter both your insurance payments and insurance take backs (bulk insurance debit) on the same screen.

Reports – Automatically save as PDF digital copy – this includes EDI responses (this topic is covered below in Odontogram and Reports enhancements).

+ more covered in the video


Medical Alerts Popup – Now more detailed and can now pop up in other modules including the Odontogram.

Appointment Link Planner – New report to help find treatments and link them to appointments.

Bulk Unschedule – New ability to unschedule past appointments.

Appointment Status – You can now have up to 10 different appointment statuses as well as view the status history of an appointment.

+ more covered in the video